Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freunde!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends!
Wer sich fuer das Seminar Familienstellen noch nicht angemeldet hat, kann das jetzt noch tun, es gibt nur noch wenige Plaetze.
Nutzen Sie die Chance!
If you haven't registered for the family constellation workshop, you can still do so, there are only some places left, benefit from this possibility!
Family Constellations-Workshop in Brussels - 26 March 2011
We all have a mother and a father and we are all born into a family system through which we are fatefully connected. Regardless, whether we ever lived with our parents or not. This marks our feelings, our thinking and our acting, our relationships and our health.
The power and capacity of our ancestors and also our personal fate/destiny brings us to situations like breakups, losses, violence, illness, secrets, repressed feelings, blame, injustice and many other circumstances that are based on our family system. In this workshop you will understand:
- How family constellations work
- How dynamic structures of our family system can be detected and brought through
- Why conflicts in our private and business life repeatedly occur
- What the source of the inexplicable strange behaviour of children and grown ups might be
- Diseases that may have their beginning in our family system
- Which steps are possible for healing and for liberating oneself to improve your relationship to your family, your partner and also to your children.
Depending on the number of participants there is a possibility to analyse your own family system.
The workshop takes place at
Rue du Prince Royal 37, 1050 Brussels
10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
The participation fee is 95,00 € and has to be paid when you sign up to the following account number (Volksbank Nordheide eG, IBAN: DE 602 406 030 002 030 578 00, BIC: GENODEF1NBU, Konto: 203057800)
To make sure the organisation works well you are asked to register before 8 March. More information and a registration formula are available at or Tel: +49-4168 940 577
For your health,
Anja Hertkorn
Praxis fuer Energie-Therapie
Energy Therapy Practice
0032-478-310 684