Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,
The seventh chakra governs the function of the brain and is focused on the universal, cosmic energy that enters the body. This chakra is in overall, ultimate control of body, mind, and spirit. When your crown chakra is open, you can actually merge with the energy of the cosmos and direct this energy toward your own healing. You feel as if you are plugged into a power source that is completely dependable, and eternal. With that said I have the pleasure of inviting you to our next Chakra Meditation Evening on
1 June at 6.15 p.m. at
Katholische Gemeinde, Dt. Sprache Bruessel
Entrance: André Fauchillestraat 3A, 1150 Brussels I would be very pleased to welcome you to this evening.
You can register here:
For your health,
Anja Hertkorn
Praxis fuer Energie-Therapie
Energy Therapy Practice
0032-478-310 684