Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,

In our next Meditation evening we will focus on the sixth chakra. The positive opening at the sixth chakra is seeing how the Divine works through you, through your qualities. It is seeing events as Divine. It's the openness to feel and allow Divinity to flow through you and to see everything you live, you know, you see as infinitely possible - in every moment.

We receive spiritual guidance, flashes into absolute awareness through the sixth chakra. It brings clarity and meaning to life and your place in it.

So I have the pleasure of inviting you to our next Chakra Meditation Evening on

15 June at 6.15 p.m. at

Katholische Gemeinde, Dt. Sprache Bruessel
Entrance: André Fauchillestraat 3A, 1150 Brussels

I would be very pleased to welcome you to this evening.

You can register here:

For your health,

Anja Hertkorn
Praxis fuer Energie-Therapie
Energy Therapy Practice

0032-478-310 684