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Terrible Nights, Stomach Pain And Flu - Schreckliche Nächte, Magenschmerzen und Grippe September 11, 2014 |
Hallo liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, Dear reader, the english version is below. Was tun Sie, wenn Sie nachts aufwachen und nicht mehr einschlafen können? Was tun Sie, wenn Sie kurz vor einer Erkältung stehen und vermeiden möchten für die nächsten 5 Tage im Bett zu liegen? Was tun Sie, - wenn Sie etwas gegessen haben, das Sie nicht verdauen konnten und Magenschmerzen haben?
Hello, What do you do if you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep? What do you do if you have caught a cold and do not want to stay in bed for 5 days? What do you do if - you have eaten something you cannot digest and are suffering from stomach pains? - or your period knocks you out and you need to stay in bed for a whole day? - or doctors assure you that everything is fine and you feel unwell anyway? In such situations we very often take medication because we do not know any other solution. How would it be if there was another solution? How would it be, if without medication • You could fall back to sleep, • You could handle your cold without getting sick • Your stomach pain would dissolve after a few minutes? Yes it is possible. Energy Medicine is a non-invasive technique that you can learn in order to treat yourself and your loved ones without medication. Register still today and learn a method you will use countless times for the rest of your life. Until 14th of September you can benefit from the early price discount. For your joy, Anja
Anja Hertkorn |
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