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Enjoy the summer and find out what I have in store for you after my holidays
July 21, 2014


It’s summer time and the perfect time to get away. I hope you will all get a chance to escape the city for a bit of down time, as I will be gone from August 9th - 24th.

But not to worry if you can’t make it this year, as I have plenty of things in store for you when I come back:

- An Energy Medicine Workshop

You will learn you how to treat pain, allergies, hormonal imbalances, depression etc without medication.

- A Relationship-Seminar

You will learn how to create relationships with men that are easy, fun and passionate.

- An open day at the centre Les Magnolias,

where you can experience Yoga, Family Constellation, Council, Massages, Energy Medecine for free and meet other therapists

- A special surprise, which I will reveal to you in September.

So make sure not to miss the next newsletter/email!

Enjoy your summer


Anja Hertkorn
Energy Therapy Practice
Rue des Aduatiques 48
1040 Brussels

0478/310 684

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