Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,
Do you get overwhelmed sometimes? Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution sent a tapping sequence on overcoming feelings of overwhelm that I want to share with you.
If you are overworked and overstressed, I invite you to release this feelings with the following tapping in order to relax and get relief.
1. General Overwork and Overstress
Karate Chop: Even though I’m totally overworked,
really stressed out and have WAY too much to
do.... I deeply and completely accept myself
(Repeat the above phrase three times while
Tapping on the karate chop point)
Eyebrow: Way too much to do...
Side of the Eye: My “to-do” list is a mile long...
Under Eye: When will I ever get it done?
Under Nose: I’ll never get it done...
Under Mouth: I’m overworked and stressed out....
Collarbone: When can I relax?
Under the Arm: I can’t seem to relax
Top of the Head: Too much to do...
(Repeat the above phrases a couple of times,
you can throw in your own phrases as well, and
when you feel significant relief, move on to
the positive phrases)
Eyebrow: I chose to relax now...
Side of the Eye: I chose to REALLY relax now...
Under the Eye: I’ll never get it ALL done...
Under Nose: And that’s ok...
Under Mouth: I chose to slow down and take a breath...
Collarbone: I am not my “to-do” list...
Under the Arm: I am good enough no matter
what I get done...
Top of the Head: I chose to relax and let it go now...
2. Cultural Drive To Do More and Be More
Karate Chop: Even though society says I need
to work harder, to do more, be more and never stop,
I deeply and completely accept myself
(Repeat the above phrase three times while tapping
on the karate chop point)
Eyebrow: I need to keep working...
Side of the Eye: I have to do more...
Under Eye: I need to be more...
Under Nose: I can never stop...
Under Mouth: I have to keep up...
Collarbone: Need to keep going...
Under the Arm: Can never stop...
Top of the Head: Gotta keep going...
(Repeat the above phrases a couple of times,
you can throw in your own phrases as well, and
when you feel significant relief, move on to
the positive phrases)
Eyebrow: I chose to slow down....
Side of the Eye: I chose to breathe....
Under Eye: I am perfect as I am....
Under Nose: I can chose my own way...
Under Mouth: I don’t have to be like anyone else....
Collarbone: Society can keep going crazy, I chose
to relax...
Under the Arm: I choose whether to work more or not...
Top of the Head: It’s all within my control....
Keep tapping until you get relief!
These are just general phrases to get you started and
bring you some relief.
Make sure to pay attention to what came up for YOU.
Jot down whatever specific event, issue or memory these
phrases triggered, and then work on tapping those
For your health,
Anja Hertkorn
Praxis fuer Energie-Therapie
Energy Therapy Practice
0032-478-310 684