The Emotion Code technique uses a kinesiological test to ask the body where the causes of certain symptoms come from - it doesn't matter whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
I do now! I have never achieved such quick, comprehensive and lasting results for my clients as with the Emotion Code.
Very often unprocessed or repressed feelings from our past are the cause of our problems. With the Emotion Code we can determine whether it is our own feelings, prenatal, inherited or even feelings from a past life, that negatively influence our present life, our thoughts and our decisions.
The beauty of this technique is that we can release these unconscious burdens of the past quickly and sustainably from our energy field via the meridian system. This in turn has a positive effect on our relationships and our body.
I worked with a client who had suffered from migraines several times a week for years. We released her own feelings, prenatal and inherited feelings from her energy system and after a few sessions the migraine was gone.
Another client wanted to get rid of the feeling of worthlessness. We came across a past life in our work and were able to dissolve the feelings that had led to a lack of self-esteem at that time. Since then, this woman has had no more self-esteem problems.
However, there is one more important step that can be achieved with the Emotion Code!
Our subconscious often forms a so-called heart wall, which consists of unresolved feelings from the past and does not allow the love between us and our fellow human beings to flow unhindered.
This results in relationship problems or the inability to get involved with another person.
When this happens, people find a partner, their career suddenly takes a leap and they feel that life is in flow again.
If you want to get rid of your emotional burdens, please call or write to me to arrange a free introductory session (also possible online).
I would be happy to hear from you.